History of Taylor Park & Pool
Taylor Park, which is a spot of rare beauty, was acquired by the city of Fond du Lac in 1893. It contains 12 1/2 acres, and is well shaded with oak, elm and hickory trees. The park is a portion of the farm owned by Jared Morey Taylor, who died in 1865. It was always his desire that that part of the farm should be used for a park, and his heirs, among them his son, Mr. A.B. Taylor, sold the property to the city for $6,000. Since then the city has spent several thousand dollars in supplying it with water, making driveways, and otherwise beatifying the grounds.
Taylor Park once contained a large pond, in which youngsters would go swimming. Later, two swimming pools were added, one for children and one for adults. In the 1960s, those pools were removed and one large pool was built. Most recently added to the pool area is a splash pad, where children can run through fountains and sprinklers.
A report in 1899 described an audience of "fully one thousand" attending the first summer concert of the Military Band at Taylor Park. In 1925, a bandstand was added at the cost of $7,000 and hosted countless concerts over the summers. The Fond du Lac Symphonic Band had established the Wednesday night concert series, with performances in the Taylor Park Bandstand from 1976-1981. The Band and audience quickly outgrew the Bandstand and relocated to another park. The Bandstand was soon torn down thereafter.
The Park Pavilion, constructed in 1907, recently underwent restoration in an effort to preserve the 100-year-old structure, one of the longest standing in Fond du Lac. It received new paint, railing, lighting and the cupola was repaired.
The entire park has undergone recent improvements, with new benches, lighting and a walking trail around the park. Due to the efforts put into the park's preservation, the City of Fond du Lac became the first community in the state to be designated as a "Preserve America" community.
"What makes our park unique is its architecture and the swimming pool, but more so its atmosphere. That covers just about everything, friendships and memories that are still being made today."
~Ed Barnes

History of The Friends of Taylor Park
In the latter depression years and during and after the war when money was scarce and children and teenagers had to find their amusement where it was without cost, Taylor Park became their haven. It was a second home to young people from the west-central part of Fond du Lac. From early morn till after sundown one could hear the happy sounds of glee. The only crimes then were when the boys threw the girls in the pond. During those years, a special bond was formed among those young people. But, the war, along with wedding bells, quickly broke up the happy group. However, through the years the love and memories remained and as a result of a get together in 1979 of old friends (which numbered 44) at the home of Earl & Elaine Bond to honor Bob Bonham (original park gang member), an idea was born in the minds of Jim and Vi Dussault. They decided that a yearly reunion of the old group and anyone who grew up and played in the neighborhood of the park before WWII would be fun and therefore, the first Reunion at Taylor Park (TPU) August 30, 1980 was held with 47 members attending. These 47 became the Charter members of what was later named "Taylor Park University". As the years passed and word spread, attendance grew to a high of 156. The love and memories shared at these reunions will always be treasured.
~Lucille Frazier LeMieux
Charter Members of TPU (1980)
- Theron & Dorothy Gribben
- Elmer Suprenand
- Gerald Schiller
- Dick Lepinski
- Syl & Marie Brandt
- Max & Connie Schessow
- Bob & Lou Acord
- Harold & Ginny Bond
- Allen & Verda Bond
- Bob & Bernita Perry
- Bud & Helen Fisher
- Lloyd & Lorraine Kennedy
- Burdette Barthelman
- Earl & Elaine Bond
- Jim & Vi Dussault
- Ronald Kennedy
- Lee Gribben
- Charles Lepinski
- Liz Roy
- Howie & Bernice Hefter
- Art Dahm
- Lowell & Charlotte Williams
- Marge & Leo Acord
- Nibs & Lucy Bond
- Dick Faris & Delores
- Bern. & Joyce Milligan
- Bob & Viv Plummer
- Warren Francis
- Bob & Mary Galloway
- Bud & Audrey Mann